Science Olympiad
National Coaches
I had the honor to
be asked to be an Instructor for Bottle Rockets at the Science Olympiad
National Coaches Clinic
located in Hammond Indiana on October 4 and 5, 2002. I held 3 build and
launch sessions on Friday.
Sessions on Friday were held for Middle School students, High School
students and Coaches. Saturday I held
three class room sessions for Middle School Coaches and three classroom
sessions for High School Coaches.
In all 334 individuals attended my sessions from a total of 48 different
I had a great
This was my
morning Middle School class on
Friday. Due to bad weather many of the
students were late or missed the first session,
but we were able to get a break in the weather
to launch their rockets.
Each school
represented was asked to work in
groups of 2 or 3 to complete a rocket that they
would fly before the class was over.
Here we are
launching our rockets. The rockets we
built were backsliders that will deploy a
parachute as the cone is pulled off during
backslide. The kids had a great time and got
to see their rockets fly.