Air Flap
Release For HDTT
(Horizontal Deployment For Tomy Timer)
Last Edited
May 25, 2001
Releasing Tomy Timers has always been a challenge for several reasons. The
original method for releasing Tomy Timers that I am away of was began by
Bruce Berggren and involved jamming the gears with a rod that was yanked
from the rocket on take off by a string tied to the launcher or ground. This
is the method I used on Insane Air. The problem was that the jolt of pin
removal and timer release created a vibration in the rocket that I feel was
eating up a lot of energy during flight.
This challenge was
the first to make me interested in coming up with an alternate
method of release. The other challenge is that I work with Science Olympiad
kids that can use timers
for deployment, but could not use a release that separated from the
Based on need the
Air Flap Release (AFR) was invented for Tomy Timers. I have
used AFR on both high performance FTC's and Standard Soda Bottles. It was
also used on Connally
High Schools Science Olympiad rocket winning Division C of the
2001 National Championship and their rockets had the longest flights of the
With this system,
timing can be set to release the chute consistently within .1
seconds of the desired time.
How does it work?
The Air Flap has a hole in it and when the flap is raised to a
horizontal position, the pin from the Tomy timer sits in the hole in the air
flap. Upon take off, the
flap is pushed down and the timer is released.
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This is a picture
of the AFR in locked
position on my 1 Liter high performance rocket
"Shot Gun".
The entire weight
of AFR is under 1 gram.
The flap is made
from 1/32 inch thick Bass
Wood. On later versions of this
system and on the SO rockets, we
place the wood under the hinge, so that the
pin on the Tomy Timer Knob was released
by the hole in the nylon
hinge, not the hole in the
The AFR is shown
in the released / flight
position. Note the 4 pins on the
Tomy Timmer knob. This allows the
system to be set for very accurate
release timming.
The hinge for the
AFR is a nylon hinge
obtained from a hobby shop. The hinge is
glued with PL Premium onto the
bottle or FTC and the hole for the Tomy Timer
is drilled right through both the hinge
and the bottle. This additionally
secures the hinge in position. The wire that
holds the Tomy Timer in
posittion also wraps around the hinge.
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This is the AFR as
seen on "Insane Air
Light" my newest version of my
772' altitude FTC Insane Air.
Note that the knob
on the Tomy Timer has the
simple 2 pin system which
is adequate for most WR
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In the released /
flight position the AFR
lays flat along the "Insane Air Light's"
rocket body behind the Tomy Timer