New Water
Rocket World Record Altitude - 1105'
"Insane Air"
with Vertical Deployment and Tomy Timer
A Flight
Profile From An Onboard Adept ALT1R Can Be Seen Below.
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The record was
broken at a club launch of the Austin Area Rocket Group this morning at
around 9:45 CST, 6/22/02. Conditions were perfect. No wind, low humidity and
about 85 degrees. I took
great care to align the launch tube to vertical with a carpenter level.
This rocket was
the latest version of Insane Air, built from a full length FTC,
approximately 8' long.
The Insane Air launcher with large tank capacity and full length launch tube
was used to launch. Nose
cone was pointy end of a plastic Easter egg. The nozzle was from
a 3L bottle. This version of Insane Air is the one with external struts and
internal support rings.
Altimeter was an Adept ALT1R recording altimeter.
First launch was
with CO2 at 115 psi, Altitude was 1055'.
Second launch was
with CO2 at 130 psi, altitude was 1105'.
Weight - 295 grams
Reaction Mass - No
water, extreme acceleration results in destruction of the rocket.
Nozzle - 30 mm
Nozzle Seal -
O-ring on exterior of nozzle, stays with rocket
Length - 240 cm
Outside Diameter -
42 mm
Wall Thickness -
really thin, I don't own a micrometer to measure accurately
Launch Tube - 220
cm long
Launch Tube
Diameter - 28 mm
Launch Tube
Thickness - again no micrometer, 1 inch steel electrical conduit
Launcher Volume -
Approximately 30 Liter
Fins - 3, 103 mm
long, 55 mm high, 1/16 inch thick, round profile
Fin Placement -
Base of fin is 36 mm from base of nozzle, 16 mm from base of FTC
Fin Construction -
Bass Wood, sanded and painted, glue - PL Premium / small fillet
Internal support
ring placement - 65 cm and 156 cm from base, same as nozzle
External Struts -
3 balsa struts, 3 ft long, 3/16 tall and 3/16 wide
Strut Preparation
- Stiffened with CA Glue, glued to FTC with PL Premium
Strut Placement -
From one internal support ring to the other
Deployment System
Takes Up - 11.5 cm of FTC space
Nose Cone - 2.9 cm
tall, 4.2 cm diameter (pointed end of plastic Easter egg)
Cone Skirt - fits
2 cm into rocket body, made from note card, snug fit
Weight of
Altimeter with Mounting screws - 19.2 grams
Weight of VDTT
with mounting screws - 14.6 grams
VDTT Plunger
Travel - 4.5 cm
Weight of chute,
shroud lines and deployment control ring - 6.3 grams
Parachute Diameter
- 12 inches
Shroud Line Length
- 16 inches
Weight of Cone and
cone line - 3.5 grams
Weight of shock
cord - 1.9 grams
Center of Gravity
- 110.5 cm from tip of nose cone
CP - ?
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allowed the increased altitude of this IA over earlier models.
1. VDTT -
Vertical Deployment with Tomy Timer:
A. reduced drag by
offering a totally enclosed deployment system.
B. required less
area in the rocket body resulting in more room for compressed gas
C. allowed for
piggy backing of the altimeter, resulting in no extra room needed in the
rocket body for altimeter.
2. CO2 Gas used
for thrust:
A. By using a
Nitrogen Regulator on a CO2 Tank, I could increase the launch pressure.
B. CO2 is reported
to give as much as a 10% increase in thrust due to it higher mass.
3. One piece
A. Eliminated the
drag associated with joining FTC.
B. Eliminated
alignment issues.
4. External
A. Possibly act as
mid mounted canards to stabilize the long skinny rocket body.
B. Add structural
strength to assure alignment during flight.
C. Reduce energy
loss due to flexing during take off and during flight.
5. Internal
support & alignment rings made from the same material as nozzle, 3L bottle:
A. Increased
structural strength by keeping the tube from bending during acceleration.
B. Reduce energy
loss due to flexing during take off and during flight.
C. Maintained near
perfect alignment of the rocket on the launch tube during take off.
D. Eliminate
possible structural failure (collapse) resulting from quick pressure loss
and venturi effect on the
open nozzle.
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It may sound a
little funny that I hold a WR altitude record with a rocket that does not
use water, just compressed CO2, but the definition
of a water rocket is typically accepted as:
A rocket made from
primarily light weight ductile plastic that uses non flammable low
temperature compressed gas to create
thrust which may be augmented with an inert reaction mass, usually water.
Profile and Interesting Flight Data
Sorry about the
poor quality of the graph, I have several issues cutting and pasting it from
the adept altimeter software and
converting into a JPG to place on the web site.
Although the graph
states that the flight went to 1140' a review of the raw date indicates that
the maximum altitude was actually 1105'.
The spike you see is from the deployment of the VDTT affecting the internal
air pressure of the rocket as it deploys the
The graph may seem
skewed during the first milliseconds of the flight because the altimeter
only samples altitude ever 1/10 of a second
and uses an algorithm to create the graph.
Data From
1105' Altitude
379 MPH Velocity
1071 ft/s squared
inaccurate due to 1/10
second sampling period.
Data From
367 MPH Velocity
9352 m/s squared
952 G's
Burnout in 17
Other than the
first couple of 1/10s of
a second, the flight
profiles are almost identical. I
would suspect that the
simulator is more nearly
correct regarding acceleration.
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