Robert Youens Canoe Page
Prelim Race One Month Before The Texas Water Safari
Rachel & Robert getting boat ready for prelim 2000
Launching the canoe at Cuero 236
Deborah standing in waste deep water at Nursery Bridge waiting for the team.
Deborah Youens our trusty Team Captain ready to hand off water jugs and shout encouragement
Rachel & Grand Mom (Ruby Youens) at Victoria City Park after race completion.
Judy, Andy and  Sherry showing much appreciated support at the finish.
Grand Mom with big smile having a good time with Rachel waiting for awards.
Zoltan and Robert waiting for awards.
Rachel & Robert taping in food prior to training run from Dupont to Tivoli (21 Miles) on Sunday after the prelim.
Judy, Robert, Zoltan and Mick visiting after the race.